Welcome from our Head of Primary School, Mr Craig Kupke

It is my pleasure to introduce you to our Prep (Foundation) program at Lakeside College.
The Prep program
Our Prep program provides a relevant, engaging and differentiated teaching and learning program in a supportive environment that fosters deep thinking, creativity, collaboration and independence. Making discoveries about themselves as learners, students develop strong foundation literacy and numeracy skills, explore subjects in interdisciplinary ways, and make connections between their wonderings, inquiry and research.
In addition to the important core studies in Literacy and Numeracy, our Prep teachers incorporate Science, Christian Studies, Humanities, Health/Wellbeing and Digital Technologies into their daily programs.
Specialist teachers engage our Preps in studies of Physical Education, German, Visual Arts, Performing Arts and Choir.
Primary School students also may elect to undertake specified studies in a musical instrument right from their first day. (at an additional cost)
At Lakeside College we support all learners to develop across our seven core competencies.
Christ-Centred Character
Students know who they are and have a cohesive worldview determined by their relationship with God as creator, redeemer, sanctifier, and is centred on God’s revelation in Jesus Christ. They seek to use their gifts to serve others as a response to God’s love for them. Character refers to qualities of the individual essential for being personally effective in a complex world, including self-regulation and responsibility for learning, integrity, grit, tenacity, perseverance, resilience, reliability, and honesty.
Thinking like global citizens, having compassion, empathy and concern for others, considering global issues based on a deep understanding of diverse values with a genuine interest in engaging with others to solve complex problems that impact human and environmental sustainability.
Collaboration refers to the social, emotional and intercultural skills required to work interdependently and synergistically in teams with strong interpersonal and team‐related skills including effective management of team dynamics and challenges, making decisions together, and learning from and contributing to the learning of others.
Communicating effectively with a variety of styles, modes, and tools designed for different audiences.
Having an ‘entrepreneurial eye’ for economic and social opportunities, asking the right inquiry questions to generate innovative ideas and solutions, and demonstrating leadership to transfer ideas into action.
Critical Thinking
Critically evaluating information and arguments, identifying patterns and connections, constructing meaningful knowledge, problem-solving and applying it in the real world.
The Prep year is a critical year for student learning and the learning journey at Lakeside College starts well before that special first day of school.
Upon enrolment, your child undertakes an individual assessment which helps us gain insight into their unique needs and tailor our planning to optimise their learning and wellbeing at school.
In the term preceding your child’s commencement, they attend school on three separate occasions in order to make them comfortable with their new learning environment, teacher and classmates.
We look to support our parents through the transition as well. We hold parent workshops and information sessions to support you to feel comfortable and confident ahead of your child’s commencement.
We top it all off with our traditional ‘tears and tissues’ morning tea on the first day of school which allows parents to gather on this special day, enjoy a cup of tea and enjoy the fellowship of fellow parents.
As part of your child’s transition they are also allocated a buddy from the upper Primary who meets with them weekly, keeps an eye out for them in the yard and proves an on-campus ‘big brother or sister’.
Prep team
Meeting the learning and wellbeing needs of our learners is a team effort. While the core teacher for each class is the key teacher for your child, they are supported by a range of specialist teachers, wellbeing and educational support staff.
If you have any further questions, please do not hesitate to contact the College for further information.